At St Ann’s Advice Centre we understand that being in debt can be very distressing and we have experienced Advisers who can help with all aspects of debt and financial capability.
The Money and Pension Service (MaPS) is sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions. We provide advice and support across the whole of the East Midlands. We offer specialist debt advice on all aspects of debt including –
- financial capability and budgeting,
- challenging liability,
- assistance with Court Claims,
- setting up payment plans and Insolvency.
We can help with managing debts and therefore avoid getting into arrears with Rent and/or Council Tax, and face possible court action and fines.
If you are already in arrears we can help to –
- set up manageable payment plans,
- help to complete financial statements,
- apply for certain grants,
- complete benefit checks and
- help with advice on budgeting decisions.
If you would like to speak to an Adviser please call for an appointment on 0115 9081530